All posts by admin


Bentara Budaya Jakarta, November 2013 

John martono’s Exhibitions at Tusk Gallery, Melbourne

Opening Nigt at Tusk Gallery, Melbourne

Here are several of his pieces:

Le Salon de Lahd 10/10/2015 – 10 years of MENASA creativity LONDON

Affordable Art Fair Singapore 2014

Solo Exhibitions, Bangkok Thailand 2014

Solo exhibitions at Royal Cunlan Hotel Kuala lumpur,Malaysia 2013

International Hand Embroidery Exhibitions, Tsinhua University China, 2014

Tusk Gallery , March 2014  Melbourne

John Martono

Trips to Colourful Thoughts, 20th – 22nd of May 2016

Visitors to London’s Art16 Fair this May will be treated to a boldly coloured and narrative-packed mini-exhibition from Lahd Gallery, showcasing work by artists from the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia (MENASA) regions.

Art16 has chosen a trio of artists whose work skilfully blends conceptual and visual aspects. Each artist tells a personal story through their work, via the use of vibrant and striking colours and forms. “Trips to Colourful Thoughts” in stand C1 will feature Anas Homsi from Syria, Algerian-French artist Patrick Altes and Indonesian textile practitioner John Martono. These highly personal works explore immigration, diaspora, war, conflict, and the search for happiness.

Hailing from Java, Indonesia, Artist – John Martono uses his intimate knowledge of textile science to produce a glorious, swirling aesthetic, giving visual form to sound and emotion. “It is only logical that when your frame is upright, paint will drip downward. A smooth painting technique is important for such fine silk material.”

The private view will be held on Thursday the 19th of May and the Fair will continue until Sunday the 22nd of May at Art16, Olympia, Hammersmith Road, London W14 8UX, UK.

For tickets please click here:

john martono


“John Martono  creates unique painting on silk  with hand stitching, his works certainly bring a new perspective within worlds’s contemporary fine arts “


John’s  2014

john martono

Review About John’s Painting

John Martono
John Martono
Art print
Art print


John Martono

john martono

john martono





50 x 50 CM

100 x 100 CM


100 x 150 CM




john martonojohn martono john martono john martono john martono john martono john martono john martono john martono

"Welcome Happiness" Painted silk canvases & hand stitching 100x100cm 2015
“Welcome Happiness”
Painted silk canvases & hand stitching 100x100cm 2015
"I choose happy" Painted silk canvases & hand stitching 100x100cm 2015
“I choose happy”
Painted silk canvases & hand stitching 100x100cm 2015
"The Shadow of Happiness" Painted silk canvases and hand stitching 150 x 100 cm 2015
“The Shadow of Happiness”
Painted silk canvases and hand stitching 150 x 100 cm 2015
"In Happiness" Painted silk canvases & hand stitching 150x100cm 2015
“In Happiness”
Painted silk canvases & hand stitching 150x100cm 2015
"The Circle of Happiness" Painted silk canvases & hand stitching 148x200 cm 2015
“The Circle of Happiness”
Painted silk canvases & hand stitching 148×200 cm 2015
"Think of Happiness" Painted silk canvases & hand stitching 150x100 cm 2015
“Think of Happiness”
Painted silk canvases & hand stitching 150×100 cm 2015
"Perfect Happiness" Painted silk canvases & hand stitching 100x100 cm 2015
“Perfect Happiness”
Painted silk canvases & hand stitching 100×100 cm 2015
"Passion of Happiness" Painted silk canvases & hand stitching 100x100cm 2015
“Passion of Happiness”
Painted silk canvases & hand stitching 100x100cm 2015
John Martono
John Martono

John Martono

John martono John martono

John martono
EVENING LOVE (triptych)
350 x 150 cm


John Martono

John Martono
SOLD : August 2015


John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono
John Martono


100 x 100 CM

100 x 150 CM

A Solo Exhibition At Sunrise Art Gallery Jakarta

Sunrise Art Gallery Presents
A Solo Exhibition “The Journey Of Happiness” by John Martono

Public Viewing:

8 December 2019 – 31 January 2020
Opening Hours: 11am to 8 pm, daily at Fairmont Jakarta level 2

It was a wonderful night full of art lovers and enthusiasts. Thank you to everyone that came to The solo exhibition of John Martono Saturday, 7 December 2019 , “The Journey of Happiness.” A special thank you to our opening officiant the Governor Of West Java, The honorable Mr. H. Mochamad Ridwan Kamil.

Photo: Sunrise Art Gallery

A special thank you to my family and friend

Photo : John Martono Doc : Wayan Kaswita & Team

“John Martono swirling abstracts with a mix of painting and hand embroidery on silk certainly brings a new and different perspective within Indonesia’s contemporary fine arts.”

Online Catalog :

Video : John Martono Doc Wayan Kaswita & Team

Classes & workshop

Save The Date : Bandung
Saturday, 7 March 2020

We provide ALL the supplies. John Martono will guides you step by step to your completed painting in 4 hours. You go home with your masterpiece ready to to show off to your friends and family !

Saturday 7 March 2020,
Time 9 AM-1 PM | Ages 6+ | Public | Adult
Price Rp.750.000

**Early Bird Rp.450.000 Before 1 March 2020
Location : Stamford School Bandung
Allegro Altura Complex,
Jl. Citra Green, Dago Bandung 40142

WAKTU : Sabtu 7 Maret 2020
Jam 9.00 – 13 wib | Umur 6+ | Dewasa & Umum

Harga Rp.750.000 *Promo kusus bagi yang melakukan pembayaran sebelum 1 Maret 2020?? Rp.450.000

(Price Including T shirt, Goody Bag, Paintbrush, Certificate, Lunch *We Provide ALL The Supplies Painting Materials

(Harga termasuk Kaos, Bingkisan, Kuas, Sertifikat, Makan Siang)
*Seluruh perlengkapan melukis sudah disiapkan

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to learn and experience with John Martono.

Cp : BUDI : 0 811 2107 080

Cp : BUDI : 0 811 2107 080

A, Wednesday 29 January 2020

Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to learn and experience how John Martono create his beautiful silk painting with hand stitching with the master artist himself. Workshop participants can bring home their own creations. Price includes canvas, paint, and stitching materials. Seating is limited

BANDUNG, Sunday 02 February 2020
Acrylic Painting on a Tote Bag

Cp : BUDI : 0 811 2107 080

John’s Selected Exhibitions:

1995.Asian Fiber Art Exhibition, Taegu, South Korea.
1996.Drawing Exhibition, Bandung Institute of Technology Gallery
1996.Contemporary Fiber Art Exhibition, National Gallery Jakarta
1997.Fiber Art Story, Bandung, Indonesia.
1998,Fiber and Clay, Bandung, Indonesia.
1999.Art Forum, Bandung Indonesia.
2000.Kyoto Fiber Art Exhibition, Japan.
2001,Five Fiber Art Artist Exhibition, Lontar Gallery, Jakarta,Indonesia.
2001.Art and Craft Exhibition, Postdam, Germany.
2002.Contemporary Craft Exhibition, Jakarta, Indonesia.
2003.Mapping Asia Exhibition, Taiwan
2004.Fiber Art Exhibition, Bentara Budaya Gallery, Jakarta, Indonesia.
2005,Fiber Art Exhibition, Kita Gallery, Bandung, Indonesia.
2007,The 5th Asia Fiber Art Exhibition, Okinawa, Japan
2007, The World Trienalle Fiber Art, Poland
2008 Asian Fiber Art Exhibition, Bentara Budaya Gallery ,Jakarta
2009 Arts Exhibition, North Art  Space, Jakarta
2010 The Reflection Of Indonesia Contemporary Art, Lawang Art, Bandung
2011 Fiber Art exhibition, Jogjakarta.
2012 Contemporary Craft Exhibition, National gallery, Jakarta
2013 Contemporary Weaving Exhibition, China
2013 Painting On Silk ,Grassi Museum Berlin
2013 Solo Exhibition  ,Royal Cun Lan Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
2013 Solo Exhibition ” Bentara Budaya Jakarta
2014 Painting on silk with hand stitching, Tusk Gallery Australia
2014 International Embroidery Art Exhibition , China2014 KIAF\13 Korea Internatonal Art Fair 2014, Korea
2014 Affordable Art Fair Singapore , Singapore
2015 Solo Exhibition, Lalanta Fine Art, Bangkok  Thailand
2015 Affordable Art Fair New York,  USA
2015 Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong
2015 Bazaar Art Jakarta
2015 Le salon de Lahd, London
2015 Affordable Art Fair, Singapore
2016 Affordable Art Fair , New York
2016 Art 16, London
2016 Art Basel Miami  USA
2017 Solo Exhibition At Hilton Bandung
2017 Spiritualitas dalam seni rupa, Lawang Wangi Bandung
2017 Solo Exhibition Creative Hub2018 Ladder Art space , Victoria2018 3D Plastic Bottle Exhibition Hilton Bandung
2018 Pameran Besar Seni  Rupa, Balai Kota Batu
2018 XYZ  ART_UN, Gedung Gas Negara
2019 Bermuda ( Art & Stories), Gedung Informasi Pariwisata, Singkawang
2019 Hilton 100th Anniversary 3D Plastic Bottle Exhibition, Hilton Bandung
2019 Pameran Seni Rupa Nusantara Galeri Nasional
2019 Solo Exhibition, Tusk Gallery Melbourn
2019 Affordable Art Fair , Royal Exhibition Building Melbourne
2020 A Solo Exhibition, Sunrise Art Gallery Faimont Jakarta

Cp : BUDI : 0 811 2107 080

Seni merdeka

Art Course :

Program Anak & Dewasa

Menggambar Bentuk
( Figure, Alam, Hewan, Benda )

Still Life
(Melukis  Alam, Benda, Hewan  dll )


Teknik Menggambar Menggunakan
Pensil, Charcoal, Crayon, Pulpen, Spidol

Teknik Melukis Menggunakan
Cat Air, Cat Acrylic, Cat Minyak, Cat Textile  dll

Melukis di Berbagai Media  :
Produk ,  Kaos,  Tas , Sepatu ,Mug ,Kotak ,  Plastik, Kaca ,Akrilik dll

Kreatifitas :
(Melukis Bebas , Craft dll )

Pameran :
Pameran Hasil Karya Murid Murid Seni Merdeka ( Berdasarkan Kurasi )

Jadwal :
Minggu 1 : Teknik Melukis
Minggu 2 : Teknik  Melukis
Minggu 3 : Teknik Melukis & Kreatifitas
Minggu 4 : Berbagi Pengalaman Dunia Kreatif
( Dengan John Martono / Inspiratif Artist )

Biaya Rp. 180.000\ 1x Pertemuan
atau Rp.550.000\ Bulan
Durasi : 2 Jam (Tidak Termasuk Alat Lukis )
? Seluruh Alat Lukis Bisa Dibeli Di Toko Seni Merdeka )
Jadwal : Setiap
JAM : 16.00 – 18.00

Pengajar Teknik Melukis :
-Yadi Juliansyah Lulusan Seni Rupa ITB
-Tara Shakin Lulusan Seni Rupa Maranatha
-Dan lain lain

Art Workshop With Inspiration Artist

Jadwal : 1X Seminggu
Rp.100.000 – Rp.250.000 / Workshop
Waktu : 3 Jam ( Belum Termasuk Alat Lukis/Peralatan )
?Seluruh Alat Lukis Bisa Dibeli Di Toko Seni Merdeka )

Jadwal Workshop :

1.Melukis di Totebag dengan John Martono
2.Drawing dengan Kak Andhi Yudha
3.Teknik Cukil Kayu Seni Grafis Romi Handayani
4. Craft

Art Product

SOLD Paintings

John Martono’s Sold Painting

September – February 2017

SOLD Mei – August

SOLD January – March 2016

SOLD on November
SOLD on November
SOLD on November 2015 , 50x50 cm
SOLD on November 2015 , 50×50 cm
SOLD on December 2015
SOLD on December 2015
SOLD on December 2015
SOLD on December 2015
SOLD on December 2015
SOLD on December 2015
SOLD on November 2015
SOLD on November 2015
SOLD On Oktober 2015 "In Circle of Happiness" 200x140 cm
SOLD On Oktober 2015
“In Circle of Happiness” 200×140 cm
140x120 cm Commision for interior work at Four season Jakarta Oktober 2015
140×120 cm
Commision for interior work at Four season Jakarta Oktober 2015
SOLD on Oktober 2015 , 50x50 cm
SOLD on Oktober 2015 , 50×50 cm
100x120 cm Commision for interior work at Four season Jakarta Oktober 2015
100×120 cm
Commision for interior work at Four season Jakarta Oktober 2015
100x120 cm Commision for interior work at Four season Jakarta Oktober 2015
100×120 cm
Commision for interior work at Four season Jakarta Oktober 2015
SOLD on Oktober 2015 , 50x50 cm
SOLD on Oktober 2015 , 50×50 cm
SOLD on Augustus, " Perfect happiness 100 x 100 cm
SOLD on Augustus, ” Perfect happiness 100 x 100 cm
SOLD on 2012 for Red Cross office Indonesia
SOLD on 2012 for Red Cross office Indonesia
SOLD on 2010
SOLD on 2010
SOLD on 2012 for Red Cross office Indonesia
SOLD on 2012 for Red Cross office Indonesia
SOLD on October 2015
SOLD on October 2015
SOLD on August 2015
SOLD on August 2015
SOLD on August 2015
SOLD on August 2015
John Martono
SOLD : August 2015


John martono
SOLD August 2015


John Martono

SOLD : July 2015, 280x150cm


john martono
SOLD : July 2015


John martono
SOLD : July 2015


john martono
SOLD ; July 2015, 30×30 cm
john martono
SOLD ; July 2015, 30×30 cm
john martono
SOLD ; July 2015, 30 x 30 cm
John Martono
SOLD : July 2015, 150 x 150cm


SOLD : June 2015 "I'm in Love Again"100 x 100 cm
SOLD : June 2015 “I’m in Love Again”100 x 100 cm



June 2015, Commission for Tusk Gallery's Client, Melbourne

June 2015, Commission for Tusk Gallery’s Client, Melbourne

John Martono
SOLD : June 2015, 250 x 150 cm


SOLD ; June 2015, 30 x 30 cm
SOLD ; June 2015, 30 x 30 cm


john martonoSOLD : Jun 2015 , “flying leaves”” 130 x 170 cm


John martonoSOLD : Jun 2015 , “Evening Love II” 130 x 170 cm


SOLD March 2015 50x200 Cm John martono
SOLD ; May 2015, 50×200 Cm John martono


SOLD: March 2015 200x200 Cm

SOLD: March 2015 200×200 cm

SOLD : Painting on Silk with hand embroidery

SOLD : Painting on Silk with hand embroidery





SOLD: John martono
SOLD: John martono


SOLD :) John Martono painting on silk 27x27 cm 2011

SOLD 🙂 John Martono painting on silk 27×27 cm 2011

SOLD :) John Martono painting on silk 27x27 cm 2011 & 2013

SOLD 🙂 John Martono painting on silk 27×27 cm 2011 & 2013


Afternoon memories , 150 x 100 cm 2014
Afternoon memories , 150 x 100 cm 2014


Journey of happines II , 200x150 cm 2014
Journey of happines II , 200×150 cm 2014


Movement I, 150x100 cm 2014

Movement I, 150×100 cm 2014


Journey song, 115x105 cm 2014
Journey song, 115×105 cm 2014


Movement IV, 115x105 cm, 2014
Movement IV, 115×105 cm, 2014


John Martono
John Martono


John Martono
John Martono


John Martono
John Martono


John Martono
John Martono


John's Painting Review
John’s Painting Review


John Martono
John Martono


SOLD : 50c50cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery , 2014
SOLD : 50c50cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery , 2014


SOLD : 50x50cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery , 2014
SOLD : 50x50cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery , 2014


SOLD : 50x50 cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery , 2014
SOLD : 50×50 cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery , 2014


SOLD : 50x50cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery , 2014
SOLD : 50x50cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery , 2014


SOLD : morning whisper, 200x100cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery , 2014
SOLD : morning whisper, 200x100cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery , 2014


Silk painting with hand embroidery
Silk painting with hand embroidery


Sold : 50x50 Painting on Silk with hand embroidery ,2014
Sold : 50×50 Painting on Silk with hand embroidery ,2014


SOLD Song of joy, 100x100cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery,2013
SOLD Song of joy, 100x100cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery,2013


SOLD : Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
SOLD : Painting on Silk with hand embroidery


SOLD : Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
SOLD : Painting on Silk with hand embroidery


Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
Painting on Silk with hand embroidery


SOLD :Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
SOLD :Painting on Silk with hand embroidery


SOLD :Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
SOLD :Painting on Silk with hand embroidery


SOLD : Happiness II (08) Painting on Silk with hand embroidery,2013
SOLD : Happiness II (08) Painting on Silk with hand embroidery,2013


SOLD : Happiness II, 50x50cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery 2013
SOLD : Happiness II, 50x50cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery 2013


SOLD : Lost in happiness, 100x100cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery 2013
SOLD : Lost in happiness, 100x100cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery 2013


SOLD : talk and move, 100x100 Painting on Silk with hand embroidery 2013
SOLD : talk and move, 100×100 Painting on Silk with hand embroidery 2013


Keep on talking, 100x100cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery 2013
Keep on talking, 100x100cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery 2013


Talk to me babe,150x100cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery, 2013
Talk to me babe,150x100cm Painting on Silk with hand embroidery, 2013


SOLD : Follow me, 150x100, Painting on Silk with hand embroidery 2013
SOLD : Follow me, 150×100, Painting on Silk with hand embroidery 2013


SOLD : Fly, 150x100, Painting on Silk with hand embroidery 2013
SOLD : Fly, 150×100, Painting on Silk with hand embroidery 2013


"I'm here" 100x100 2013 Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
“I’m here” 100×100 2013
Painting on Silk with hand embroidery


SOLD : "Im here" 150x100cm 2013 Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
SOLD : “Im here” 150x100cm 2013
Painting on Silk with hand embroidery


SOLD today John Martono's "Higher Ground" 100x150cm In the past 4 weeks we've sold more than 20 John Martono paintings on silk. He's captured the heart of Australia. If all goes as planned John will be back for another exhibition in December this year. "Higher grounds" 150x100cm 2013 Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
SOLD today John Martono’s “Higher Ground” 100x150cm
In the past 4 weeks we’ve sold more than 20 John Martono paintings on silk. He’s captured the heart of Australia.
If all goes as planned John will be back for another exhibition in December this year.
“Higher grounds” 150x100cm 2013
Painting on Silk with hand embroidery


SOLD : "Song remains" 150x100cm 2013 Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
SOLD : “Song remains” 150x100cm 2013
Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
SOLD : "Out of tiles" !50x100cm 2013 Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
SOLD : “Out of tiles” !50x100cm 2013
Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
SOLD : "Free and higher" 100x100cm 2013 Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
SOLD : “Free and higher” 100x100cm 2013
Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
SOLD : "I need another higher" 150x100cm 2013 Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
SOLD : “I need another higher” 150x100cm 2013
Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
SOLD : "Hi" 150x100 cm 2013 Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
SOLD : “Hi” 150×100 cm 2013
Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
SOLD : Painting on Silk with hand embroidery
SOLD : Painting on Silk with hand embroidery

Untitled-18 Untitled-17 Untitled-14 Untitled-13 Untitled-12 Untitled-11 Untitled-10 Untitled-9 Untitled-8 Untitled-7 Untitled-3 Untitled-2 Untitled-1 10994273_703282919769578_4341805139546777654_n 10990814_703283609769509_3376410550880312917_n 10989147_703283573102846_6946408343297088716_n SOLD: John martono SOLD: John martono SOLD: John martono SOLD: John martono SOLD: John martono SOLD: John martono SOLD: John martono SOLD: John martono SOLD at Affordable art fair new york SOLD: John martono SOLD: John martono SOLD ; John martono 1622695_642821079149096_6662577221506188932_n


John martono john martono

Art print
Art print

Untitled-35 Untitled-37 Untitled-34 Untitled-33 Untitled-32 Untitled-31 Untitled-30 Untitled-29 Untitled-28 SOLD: John martono SOLD: John martono SOLD: John martono SOLD: John martono SOLD: John martono SOLD: John martono

Sold At Affordable Art fair New york
Sold At Affordable Art fair New York


SOLD at Affordable art fair new york
SOLD at Affordable art fair new york

SOLD: John martono




john martono john martono JOhn mArtono

SOLD OUT: John martono's print

SOLD OUT: John martono’s print

SOLD OUT: John martono's print

SOLD OUT: John martono’s pr



John Martono’s Art for Fashion
john martonojohn martono John Martono

John Scraf

Silk painting for scarf
Silk painting for scarf

Silk painting for shirt
Silk painting for shirt

Silk painting for scarf
Silk painting for scarf

Silk painting course
Silk painting course

Silk painting for scraf
Silk painting for scraf

Art Projects

John Martono

Ridwan kamil, the mayor of Bandung, west Java, Indonesia asked John Martono to create mural painting for cikapundung  garden in Bandung

“The Journey of Happiness” 17x7m
keep  it clean and enjoy , Thank you my friend
1 January 2016

John martono’s work at international Bandung Husein Sastranegara Airport Terminal
“in the photo is Mr.Ridwan Kamil Our Mayor in Bandung”
Enjoy, Happy, Keep clean and welcome to Bandung

John Martono’s work for “ULTIMATE” Terminal 3 Sukarno Hatta International Aiport

Arts Project for Toys City Jakarta

John Martono

Art Project For Art Fair

Art Project for Interior